Saturday, November 24, 2007


Although I have not met Ellen yet, if it's the Ellen I think it is, it would be fun to be invited on her show to talk about all the gags that have come up surrounding the penny shortages in Los Angeles while I am directing "The Penny King".

I especially liked the quotes she gave on her blog about being grateful which I wanted to copy and paste and send to my children in Portland and Eugene, but it wouldn't allow it, nor would it allow me to post a comment there..but I emailed Ellen and asked if she could send me that article she wrote with all the quotes titled "Being Grateful".

I've noticed also that some web sites who want articles for free from writers tend to reject my work, especially when it contains high quality truth. Such sites as Swans and Associated Content have rejected my articles because I tend to take the lies that are being spun by the Octodragon, and correct them to reflect the true state of economic affairs in the United States and the world over.

Moreover, I spent Thanksgiving alone, grateful that I have a place to live, even though I am penniless with no savings for the future of my self or my three children or my granddaughter, but after two bankruptcies, three divorces, 17 court appearances on phony trumped up terrorist charges which were dismissed and expunged (finally), getting driven out of business by the U.S. Government twice in two different careers (venture capital and mortgage finance), more than $250,000 in tax liens, a civil default judgement of $1.2 million to the Securities and Exchange Commission, three children, all boys, three million dollars of debt accumulating on my negative net worth balance sheet plus accruing interest becaue the ex filed bankruptcy and is now free and clear, what really hit home when I read the quote from Samuel Adams, the Father of the American Revolution, was that I too have so much to be grateful for.

I am grateful for learning what it is like to be houseless, but not homeless, so I have taken it upon myself to build camps for the houseless all over Los Angeles County, using the garbage, the crap, the junk, the worthless throwaways that one can collect up just drivnig down the street, gathering them all up in a pile and building creative looking shelters that I rent out for a penny a day to anyone who wishes to help build it, or inhabit them when they are habitable.

I am grateful that infinite intelligence has touched me and it reflexes upon the mirrors created by the bankers and thier lawyers who have all fallen down like ring around the rosie, pocketful of pennies, the dollars, the dollars, they all fall down - the rabbit hole!

I am grateful that I have learned who my god is and that my god has no name or labels. Therefore I know it as the infinite infinitor of infinities, (that which is infinite, can cause new infinity to come into being, and it being a multiple being which is plural in its existence of being infinite), and I am very grateful that it has shown me the doorway to infinity.

While some would think there are not an infinite number of pennies, nor could there be an infinite supply of money, this in fact is not closer to the truth about the infinite abundance in our universe. Some humans seem to be stuck in this solar system.

I am grateful that the infinite has shown me that I can have infinite abundance without having to control the infinite universes in the infinite realms of infinity. It has given me the knowledge I need to survive, to help others to survive, and to help others learn how to create their own infinite wealth of wisdom, and experience, without making them ignorant and dependent upon me, which is no less infinite than anyone around me.

I am grateful that I have as suns of my universe the three immortal spirits who chose to enter the world through two wonderful women, both ex wives, one which I married and divorced twice (how often does that happen in life?), and both of whom are living grateful lives in Oregon.

I am grateful that my second and third ex (they are one and the same) allowed me to see my two minor children near the end of October 2007, and while I was away from my tiny little room in North Hollywood, I am grateful that when I returned, everything was in complete and utter order, as my life is slowly getting to be.

I am grateful for the instability that I have experienced over the past 52 years, being thrown into a violent revolution in Hungary in 1956, and thereafter having my body whisked out of the country so as to not let anyone know where the heir to the throne of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire went so he would have a better life than his adoptive parents who both died by the time I reached the age of 24 and I was operating as a spiritual advisor and personal assistant to L. Ron Hubbard who showed me the Road to Infinity, and then had me expelled and declared insane when I disagreed with the way some of his other people at the time where applying his technology and policies in ways which were in my then narrow opinion offensive and destructive.

I am grateful that I refused to visit my mother on her deathbed when she died of cancer at the age of 38 because I wanted to remember her as the beautiful woman, despite all her addictions and dysfunctions, that raised me to the age of 17 (she died four years after I ran away from home for the second time in my life - the first was when I was living in Toronto, I was 8 years old when she slapped me upside the head for being belligerant about a coat that I hated wearing but which she insisted that I wear to school every day) as opposed to the 85 pounds of cancerous, morbid flesh that she became on her last day.

I am grateful that when I atttended her funeral, she spoke to me from above her beautifully painted body after I started to cry, whereupon I burst into laughter because I felt her precious presence, and her thoughts were channeling into my space, and my mind recieved her spirit and I finally understood what it meant to be one with a woman, despite all prior hatreds I may have felt toward her.

And I am grateful for having forgiven her right then and there for all the horrible things she said about me to all my friends and my new wife, and the things she did to me as a child which I felt were wrong.

I no longer had to be wrong with her and I am grateful that I learned that I could eventually control the trillion or so beings in my body that inhabit my cells which I carry around every day and imbue with my precious presence. They were no longer under the control of her once screaming voice.

I am grateful that I learned that I must not project the image of my mother upon other women who find me attractive, who love me yet, and who care about me a whole great deal because they really know who I am better than I know myself sometimes.

I am gratefull that the infinite has endowed me with the talents and abilities and the skills necessary to make a documentary comedic drama on the big screen of life called "The Penny King" which makes me into the richest man in the universe, and that I can be humble, even if I were a trillionaire a trillion times over.

I am grateful that the infinite has put upon this earth the medicine necessary to dull my pain while I await surgery, and for all the love I am able to share with the thousands of people I have met during the past four years while living in Los Angeles County, both as a hostage of injustice, and as a free man seeking justice for the wrongs society has put upon him.

I don't plan on leaving LA till I recover the $70 million I lost in the stock market back in 2005. Until then, it's lawsuit happy time and I am grateful that the infinite has given me infinite patience with those who are still responsible for the theft of my stock, the wisdom to know the difference between fact and fiction, and the ability to research and publish those facts in a Federal Court of Law.

I am grateful that the infinite has given me the knowledge, power and wisdom necessary to create a new civilization by planting the seeds of the Infinite Freedom Foundation in Amercia, as the starting vehicle which creates a futuristic society that doesn't charge people interest on something which doesn't really exist - that thing being the man made invention called money.

And finally, but not lastly, I am grateful to the infinite for showing me the path to the infinite and the knowledge and skills of how to get people out of their bodies, out of their sexual hangups, out of their pain and suffering, out of their ills and woes and turbulence, out of their financial slavery, and how to bring infinite peace and love to huamnity, infinite love upon the entire universe around me and to everyone who touches my life.

I look forward to touching your life again. I'm back in the precious present! I have the number to go visit Ellen at her show at Warner Brothers, maybe they would entertain financing "The Penny King" whose budget is $1,000 per second of film for a 90 minute documentary comedy drama that is being played out on the big screen of the stages of life on the streets of LA County.

15 years ago I got kicked out of Universal Studios for script peddling, before GE had purchased it through their NBC subsidiary, but now, I think I am going to tell George Soros to go short a few billion shares of GE because it is going down the rabbit hole with Washington Mutual, Countrywide, Fannie Mae, and about a dozen of the largest financial insittutions in the world who have been bad boys in the playground and need to be tossed out permanently with all their executives and interlocked boards of directors.

I would be even more grateful if Ellen and I appeared together on Men in Trees with Anne Heche and had a threesome episode! Now that would create one heche of stir in Hollywood!

Saturday, December 09, 2006



by Alex S. Gabor

When you write about suicide, be careful, you never know who might think you are trying to kill yourself.

After writing a lyrical poem titled "The Suicide Song" and posting it on a suicide blog, as well as TPM Cafe and a few other places, two people who actually cared and thought the author was serious wrote to him, one even called him on the phone to provide moral support, encouragement and a toll free number to a suicide hotline.

On the other hand, the song became part of evidence during a phony trumped up motion for an anti-stalking order by the writer's ex, so the gag became a Gag in a sense.

Of course she didn't get her stalking order because she couldn't prove stalking. Thank goodness the Judge was a sane woman.

So when does a gag become a Gag?

When people misunderstand who you are, what you have become, and where you have been, they always try to Gag your gags even if your initials are GAG as in G ALEX GABOR.

Alex S. Gabor is a freelance writer and filmmaker in Hollywood. He has written a screenplay called "Idiots and Morons" and plans to direct the film.

Copyright © 2006 by Alex S. Gabor. All World Rights Reserved.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Rahul Sood's Weblog

Rahul Sood's Weblog

Noteworthy of HP to buy Voodoo...